If there is another minority government

I will be working to separate western Canada from Quebec. The Bloc has no interest in a national parliament that works for all Canadians. Enough of the games. Why are we subsidizing these clowns?

Jack Layton’s Referendum Question

Jack Layton
Just this week Jack Layton floated the idea of having a referendum attached to the next federal election ballot. The question would be about abolishing the senate. Now that is a great idea. Not new, but still very appealing to many Canadians.
Can you imagine actually allowing Canadians to voice their opinion on matters of governance in Canada?
Sounds great, but unfortunately it will happen for some time. Here are numerous reasons but let me
List a few
• Referendums reveal that very often citizens do not agree with the political ruling structure
• If there was a referendum allowed for the issue of “the Senate” soon citizens would clamor for a referendum on other issues like flat tax, labeling of GM foods in Canada, auditing foreign aid programs etc., etc.
• Consider the horror of “recall of elected officials”
The list could go on for a few pages.

The real fear of the PMO is that the people would actually participate in their governance. Canadians are well connected nowadays. Within a few years we, “the people”, could change Canada. That’s not what the PMO and the inner circle wants.

Jack is right, but the MSM and their friends have already shot down this trial balloon.

It’s about the money!

The Main Stream Media wants to forget that the coalition was really all about the political welfare fund.
Some in the media are not easily swayed or silenced.
Rob Mitchell of the Toronto Star is one
Other Canadians are talking about it too

$1.95 per vote= over $24 million per Year!

It’s about the $1.95 per vote political welfare fund.

As the year of rat draws to a close Canadians are more than a little angered and disappointed in the politicians in Ottawa. The majority of Canadians are sick of greedy self serving separatists and leftwing politicians .

There is no financial “crisis” in Canada other than in the coffers of the Liberal party of Canada. Their debt is estimated by some to be as high as 20 million dollars. Even Stephane Dion still has not repaid his leadership bid debts and managed to have the rules changed by election Canada.

The Bloc, sworn to destroy Canada as we know it also enjoys Canadian taxpayer funded welfare. With out taxpayers support the “Bloc “would be a “rump” party.

Why are we Canadians not asking politicians stop this outrage?  Let’s put an end to political party welfare.


Dec 7

The $1.95 per vote welfare fund is lucrative to say the least. Here is what political parties recieve in payment for our participation in our last federal elections:

Consevative  10 Million,   Liberal Party 7 Million,  NDP 4.9 Million ,

Green Party 1.8 Million, and 2.7 Million for the “Bloc”


Big Bank+Big Business=Billion $ Bailouts

So let’s cut to the chase:

  • There’s a serious recession, maybe depression, looming
  • The stock markets are in danger of collapsing
  • Jobs and retirement  incomes may be lost
  • Canadians Citizens will face tough times for the next few years
  • Canadian Big Banks and businesses will also suffer losses

BUT….Big Business and Big Banks.. want the Canadian governement to bail them out:

  • Lobbyists are already hard at work repeating … 
  • Their mantra “We must save Canadian jobs and industry!”
  • The  Canadian taxpayer willl understand that it is for their best interests
  •  Corporate assets must not be brought in to discusion under any circumstances

So there it is in a nutshell.

Thank God the politicians are there to protect the best interests of Canadians


Quote from Mr. Hillier:

“I think probably my greatest moment (of realisation as working MPP) is finding out that government really is as bad as most people think it is.

The politicians in government have abdicated their (democratic) responsibility (to constituents) to such a large degree, that many of them have become just figure heads. So often you see in the house (Ont. legislature) that members have been reduced to spitting out party lines, created by the party, handed to them on a piece of paper and told, “this is what you’re going to say today”. 

There’s one other thing I should mention here about  “low-lifes”. Just that the amount of influence by special interest groups in government policy is absolutely atrocious. It’s even gotten so far as government funding these special interest groups to then lobby government back to hire its lobbyists back to change government policies in advance of the interest groups.

As people have vacated their participation in democracy,… it’s been filled by special interest groups…so it’s gotten to the point where to politicians, unless you’re a special interest group, your point of view is unimportant. We especially see this on the environmental side,… but others as well.”



Had enough   Join other Canadians who care.  www.citizenscouncil.ca Read the rest of this entry »

What are we eating?

What are we eating? Who’s watching?

Here in Canada we are blessed with an abundance of food. Our farmers are amongst the best in the world. Our food processing facilities have the latest technology.
There are a few problems however. What are we really eating and who’s monitoring the processing procedures and packaging? Are all additives clearly labelled? Is it being done properly?

We’re all saddened by the recent Listeriosis outbreak that may have taken as many as 18 lives?
What about the inspections of the plants? Are they understaffed and overworked.
What do Canadians want? Better inspections? More enforcement of rules, more inspectors? What are those who work in the industry saying?

Surely we all agree that our government must act on this issue and probably will as soon as the election is over. However many suspect this issue be slid to the back burner and be forgotten.

But there are other problems with our food.
What about the labelling of Genetically Modified Foods? Corporate lobbyists work diligently to avoid having to label GM foods and are successful as the recent vote in the House of Commons shows. MP’s have voted to maintain the status quo while the vast majority of Canadians want GM foods labelled. Not removed from the shelf or banned, just labelled that’s all. So this brings up another thought. Who do you elected officials really serve? The Canadian people or the corporate lobbyists?
More here http://www.rabble.ca/babble/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic&f=45&t=000495

What about the Foods imported from China and other countries? Nearly every week we hear of chemicals in foods from China. Chinese children are dying from tainted milk Are we to wait until a few dozen Canadians die from some chemical surprise that could have been detected by inspectors?

On October 14 Canadians will go to the polls and our next government will be elected. Survey results along with a few of the best comments, will be forwarded to all MPs. Please participate.

Survey at: www.citizenscouncil.ca

New World for the Rich

Working Canadians are taxed almost beyond belief. Yet again another story emerges that there are yet more loopholes for the rich. The article is focused on Americans but you can bet Canadians are taking advantage of this new international banking system.
It’s a bit long but there’s a lot there 
“Rich people the world over, including tens of thousands of wealthy Americans, are now free to opt in to this sophisticated, secretive, utterly unprincipled global private banking industry. They can become, in effect, residents of nowhere for tax purposes, citizens of a brave new virtual country, which offers its inhabitants unprecedented freedom from the taxes, regulations and moral restraints that the rest of us take for granted. They wield enormous political influence even without paying taxes, merely by making contributions, threatening to withhold them–or better yet, threatening to abscond with their capital unless certain conditions are met. In a sense, this is the ultimate libertarian pipe dream: representation without taxation. But it is a nightmare for the rest of us, and we must design and organize our way around it. “

Canadian Sheeple still paying !

While the main stream media keeps us focussed on the issues that have really little to do with our daily lives.
Canadian Sheeple simply keep on shuffling along heads down, working and paying the highest income taxes in the industrialized world. Our young couples are forced to have both parents working to keep a roof over the heads of their children. If a job is lost by one of the parents it puts the family on the brink of disaster!

How important is
* Max Bernier’s love life
* The Green Shift proposal
* Zimbabwe’s democracy
* Morgentaler’s Order of Canada
* Ashley Macisaac’s ebay adventure

Compared to
* How many billions are we spending on Canada’s Aboriginal industry
(Over $10 billion per year? To who? Is it time for a serious audit? )

* How many foreign embassies are we financing and how much does it cost us and WHY? (Why do we have all these fancy embassies? Jet travel can bring a diplomatic team to any part of the world overnight .)

* How many billions do we hand out in foregn aid and who gets the money? (I have read some where that we even send $millions to China! What for? How much is spent and who get the money?

* Are all our trade agreements fair? How come we cannot sell Canadian built autos into Japan?

* How many billions are handed out in Coporate welfare and more importantly how much is repaid?

So when you are ending your hard earned two or three week holiday and getting ready to return to work remember that until June the 20th you are working to pay for all these programs/waste etc.
Have a nice summer

Billions moved offshore to avoid taxes!

Over $100 billion moved offshore yearly to avoid taxes

Canadians are the highest taxed citizens in the world. We are taxed at every opportunity.

Those of us who have regular jobs have no loopholes therefore we pay the lion’s share of taxes in Canada.

It’s a different story if you’re rich though. You can transfer your money offshore and avoid taxes and it’s legal.

Contact the right accountant then let other Canadians pick up the shortfall.

Think I’m kidding? Check these links:
National Post

Montreal Gazzette

Even our former Prime Minister Paul Martin protected his interests:

Why are some Canadians allowed these tax breaks while the majority of us are not?
The truth is that this offshore industry is a group of very wealthy and influential lawyers and accountants who have the connections to stop any discussion of tax reform.
Canada’s Finance Minster will from time to time utter vague threats and promises about shutting these loopholes but in fact will do nothing about it.
Only public pressure will force a change in this outrage.

Ottawa insiders believe we, the common Canadians, are actually powerless.
Well we once were, but today, thanks to the internet we have a chance to make real changes in Canada if we join together and focus on the issues ,not our differences.
Join us today and voice your views. We have a strategy to deal with this issue and others like it. When our numbers are large enough, Ottawa will listen

Your MP means well, but there’s a problem

We elect our MPs hoping that somehow they will initiate some signs of action on issues we believe important.
But there’s a number of problems our elected MPs face and Susan Riley of the Ottawa Citizen describes them very well.

This sentence tells it all : “Their job is to read what is put in front of them, vote the party line and put their independent intelligence in park”